Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida Extended
There were two different ladies one only worship outreach and the other was a Christian Scientist. The Good News is that they both heard the gospel preached, and they both made an open confession of salvation with thier mouths out loud! Glory to God!
14 months I was saved from homosexuality. In 1994 I decided that instead of being married I would divorce my family and live as a homosexual. God has helped me to do a complete 180 and now all I want to do is serve Him. My thoughts are now on Jesus and what I can do for Him. Many people including Christian’s believe that once a homosexual always a homosexual. I’ve got news for you, their wrong! My God can do anything and during your Revival in Jacksonville, FL God gave me a desire to do greater exploits than He did while on this earth. Up until this point very few Christian’s knew about my past, but I must shout out the good news that the bondage of homosexuality can be lifted by God. I am free, thank God I am free. HALLELUIA. It’s ALL about HIM, Greg H
I attended the meeting last week and went out witnessing on the streets in downtown Jacksonville and was totally transformed! My daughter is a senior at a public high school with 3000 students that she describes as hell. I am taking her and several of her other on fire Christian friends out witnessing this Tuesday(at our local Wal-mart!)so that we can not only win lost souls, but also so that they can become on fire for the lost! I made copies from your web site of the soul-winning script for my daughter and her friends. The end result is that they will go back and canvas their school to save the lost! What an awesome gift to leave their school! Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Mandarin High! They only have 2 weeks! Thank you so much for coming to Jacksonville!ps:Jake was an AWESOME team leader!
Barbara N
N/A Florida United States