Great Awakening Tour City #14 Maui, Hawaii
First time ever–Christians for 16 years– It was my first time going soul saving. I was kind of afraid and didn’t think I would get many saved. My goal was 5 and I got 3 people saved. I was with my leader Carrissa and I was getting a man saved and she was talking on the man’s phone with his friend and got him saved
I am one of the RBI students that went soulwinning in Fort Walton Beach. I took my car and drove many miles each day all over the pan-handel of Florida to win souls. After getting back to Tampa I was disappointed to find out that I did not recieve gas money reimbursement but I did not get offended. I chose to right it off as seed for the harvest of souls. The Sunday morning after returning from Fort Walton, Pastor Rodney said, “I want you students that went to Fort Walton and made a sacrifice to know that God is going to reward you for your sacrifice.” I claimed that Word and believed it. The very next day I sent my boss an e-mail to request off two more weeks of work so that I could also go to the Jacksonville and Greensborough Great Awakening. I called to see if he recieved the e-mail and I was expecting him to be unhappy about me wanting so much time off especially after being gone for eight days already. He said that he was able to give me the time off and that he was going to give me a raise! That raise would pay for all the gas, oil change, etc., and time off work from Fort Walton in just a few months of being paid at the new rate of wages. Thank you Jesus!
Stephen S
none given Hawaii United States