Geoffrey M. Testimony

The winter Camp meeting went really fast and was such a blessing mostly I would be out at work in the evening or when I came in I had to leave at 12pm, but catching up with the what was going on I sensed that the spirit of boldness was rekindled in me after seeing the 92 year old lady testifying seeing the strength in her surely God is no respecter of persons, the thing that really hit me most is how she put it that we need to reach out to people daily.

This week I was going to Wal-Mart during my lunch hour break, in a rush saw a woman cleaning the window as I was approaching the entrance my flesh was fighting against my spirit, but I overcame my fears shared with her that God loves her, she looked at me then she opened up as I asked if I would pray with her she was very pleased then she started weeping. As I was trying to inquire what was taking place, I found out that I was a confirmation that God loves her. I saw the Holy Spirit touch her there and then at the entrance. That gave me boldness to share with 2 others inside Wal-Mart and they gave their lives to Jesus. That made my day.  –Geoffrey M.

Steven H. Testimony

This is a historic event that is happening at that The River of Tampa Bay Church. Lives are being touched and changed by the power of God. Churches across America are hitting the streets with the Gospel soul winning script. And are registering their totals on and all across America thousands of people are being saved, healed, and set free. Every night hundreds of thousands are tuning in to watch the broadcast, and the Awakening is just beginning to pick up steam.

The prayer lines are ringing off the hook with testimonies of the power of God touching them in their homes. Also people are calling to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. I am so amazed at what God is doing. Seeing God shake America with the fire of God. My life is forever changed God have put such a hunger on the inside see souls saved, In or schools, businesses, malls, governments. And other countries are starting to get involved and hitting their towns and cities leading people to Jesus. I have been in the meetings the past week on the phones taking calls and sitting in the services.

People don’t realize what is taking place. What God is doing is so much bigger than the River Church. It’s about the whole body of Christ coming together and turning the world upside down for Jesus and hitting every part of society. And the church getting our eyes off of ourselves and putting them on Jesus and what he wants us to do. And the power of God in the streets. And a lost and dying world coming to Jesus.-Steven H.

Kenneth C. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This has been a great week so far and I believe the Lord is going to do some awesome things here in just the next couple of days. Pastor Rodney has been preaching on the baptism of the Holy Ghost the last two services and they have been incredible. When you have the fire of the Holy Ghost living on the inside of you, you can’t help but tell people about Him everywhere you go. People will get saved, healed, and delivered when you’ve got the Deliverer burning I’m your heart.

Everywhere you go, people are either going to get sad, mad, or glad because of the conviction of the Holy Ghost that comes from preaching the good news of the gospel. Yesterday I went on the streets with a lady who came to the River Church to learn how to win souls more effectively. Well after only about an hour and a half, she led four people to the Lord which is more than some people do in a lifetime! She then came to church last night and gave her testimony to thousands of people watching on television. God is truly doing some amazing things through the Great Awakening and I am so appreciative to to be a part of it.-Kenneth C.